Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pictures of the Day

Blah. In the wee hours of the morning I took Sven to the airport for his flight home to Korea. I will NEVER never, ever get used to send-offs. The only redeeming factor is that Hyuna and the boys get to stay for 3 more weeks.

Today was low-key: swimming with Maya and Jadon, Frisbee and Badmitten, computer and TV - b.o.r.i.n.g. but kinda n.i.c.e.

Hyuna's amazing double-handed Frisbee toss warm-up pose
Beware of women wielding Frisbees!

The competition is intense around here

Tomorrow morning, about the time we are finishing with the boys' riding lessons, we hope to receive a phone call from Sven letting us know he is home safe and sound 28+ hours after leaving El Paso.

I have been touched many times over these past days as I have watched my strong, handsome sons and their sweet, beautiful wives care for their little families. I am thankful that they would make such efforts to come all this way to spend this time with us, in 100º+ weather no less, allowing us to have these marvelous days together and creating life-long memories. I am grateful for their tenderness with and their great love for their children. It makes this momma so proud. It makes this grandma so grateful.

1 comment:

  1. I can't comment on every post I've had to catch up on, so I'm just going to say that I might have to wait awhile before I read the rest of all the fun stuff you're doing, knowing that we've missed out/are missing out on it. :( Glad you're all having fun, though! Even if it is without us.
