Monday, June 14, 2010

It Makes Sense

Before 7am today I tasted the sweetness of fresh strawberries, the yumminess of warm oatmeal, and the quench of cold, cold water.

I saw a box turtle the size of a small dinner plate making his way to the river, three young women on horseback, and a large black dog running circles in a large field.

I smelled the fresh manure being shoveled into a wheelbarrow by a worker at the horse farm, the musky smell of salt cedar, and the heady scent of some unknown exotic bloom.

I felt the cool breeze coming off of the Rio turn into the warmth of the sun as it came over the Franklin Mountains.

I heard roosters crow, a peacock squeal, and dogs yelping so loudly that I almost couldn’t hear the sirens that were causing their distress.

Nope, I’m still not ready to use my i-pod when I run.


  1. I liked everything you mentioned...everything except fresh manure. Really Mom? Manure?

  2. I've shoveled my fair share - it's a lot better than cow or pig manure, that's for sure!

  3. Love it :)
    I am still having a hard time with the increase in miles. I feel like I am seeing things- like that my hands have turned yellow (almost every time I run I think this!). I also feel like I am always seeing deer and snakes off to the side. One time I really did see a deer- it was feet away from me. It spooked me. So now I think I see them all the time. And who knows why snakes. But I freak out.

  4. Laurie,
    What a Great way to start your day; with an explosion of the senses. It's nice to hear someone describe nature and her surroundings in such a terrific way. Good Job.
