My most recent simple pleasures:
• A weekend visit from Ayrel & Ben (so Ben could run the El Paso 1/2 marathon with his brother and Ayrel & I could have a day to play - which included a nice patio lunch with Kris)
• Soren showing up for dinner twice in a week's time because of over-nights in El Paso. The first time was while Ayrel was here (but before Ben arrived), so it was like a semi-mini-family reunion with lots of good food and serveral rounds of Mexican Train. The second time we had to try Bobbi's famous fish taco recipe. Yum!
(notice all the shadows because of ALL of the sunshine??!)
• Spending a day at a wonderful Women's Conference with these special friends (and getting to hold one of the twins almost the entire time!)
• Taking a walk with my sweetie to see our neighborhood in bloom
• A boot-kickin' day
i love your boots the most.