Four years ago Ayel and Ben moved to Cleveland: Ayrel to begin the NOAC program at Kent State/University of Akron to earn her Au.D and Ben to begin medical school at Case Western Reserve University.
My first visit to "the Mistake on the Lake" was delightful.
I loved the cozy home they found to rent
Buchtel Hall at the University of Akron where Ayrel's White Coat Ceremony was held

Hadyn Hall at Case Western Reserve University
I loved going to Ayrel's White Coat Ceremony
Ready to conquer the world together
I loved poking around Chagrin Falls with Ayrel and Sonja
I loved meeting many of their brand new friends at a BBQ they hosted
I loved playing all day at Cedar Point with Ayrel
(so, so very sorry Sonja. What were we thinking???).
I loved my memorable trip to the airport in the DeSoto
(when it was half-way between "Before" and "After")
I left believing they were in a very good place with some wonderful adventures ahead of them.
And guess what? I was oh, so right!
And guess what? I was oh, so right!
Return trips included visits to Kirtland, only 1/2 hour from their home!

and Amish Country

On the porch of the Newel K. Whitney store
and Amish Country
Walks and runs in their charming neighborhood
a little bit of Tejas!
Running my first 1/2 marathon with Ayrel

Ayrel, Troy, Ben, moi and Sonja
(Kris was a great cheerleader!)
Discovering some really good food at places like Fire, Nighttown, and a great Indian restaurant somewhere in Parma (where they know Ben & Ayrel by name and treat them like family), and some great bakeries
Plus more time spent getting to know their friends, some of whom have even come to El Paso!
Of course, the BEST of all
was welcoming little Avery Joy!!!
Four years sounded like a long time at the beginning, but for me the time flew by.
In May I was able to attend Ben's graduation from Case Western Medical School, which has a rich history of tradition. I didn't mind one bit that there was a procession of the graduates across campus led by a bagpipe player! There were many wonderful events and moments to celebrate and honor Ben for all of his hard work. Well done, Dr. Ben!
It was pretty special to see his father hood him at the ceremony!
Avery, Dr. Dad and Ayrel
Dr. Gonzalez and proud family
Bonus - after Ben and Soren drove away in the big moving van, heading to Tucson,
I was able to stay a few more days and help take care of Avery while Ayrel worked some
l-o-n-g days. Fun and games for Grandma!
One day I met my sweet friend Kim (who now lives in Pittsburgh) halfway in Youngstown, where we played with Avery and ooohed and aaaahed over the beauty of Fellows Riverside Gardens. (I highly recommend it if you are in the area!)
Sweet little mama bird
Graduation Day was breezy and misty and cool - perfectly lovely!
Sonja keeping the graduate dry on the way to the ceremony
Entering the stage
It's official!
Avery and Drs. Gonzoli
Oh, happy day!
Phil, CeCe, (Dr.) Tammy, Avery, (Dr.) Ayrel, (Dr.) Ben, (almost Dr.) Steve and (Dr.) Maura
BFF - CeCe and Avery
They even showed up in coordinating outfits, unplanned!
Proud parentals, for sure!
Pretty little ladies, all in a row
Much to Celebrate!
Dr. Phil, Dr. Ayrel, Dr. Lauren and Dr. Greg
Avery may not have realized the significance of the day, but she certainly understood the importance of yummy cake and BaLLoONs!!
It was another great day full of happy moments with family and friends, a very lovely way to finalize 4 years of hard work and determination, of stress and challenges.
After the ceremony I asked Ayrel if she felt different. Her answer made me so, so happy:
She said that when the Dean conferred the title of "Doctor" on the graduates she felt the significance and power of the title.
In the end it has clearly been worth it all.
P.S. I truly hope that there are future opportunities to return to Cleveland. I will jump at the chance!
This was an awesome post- thanks mom! You are terrific! We were so spoiled having you come and visit so many times and spoiling us. And we are so excited to be SO MUCH CLOSER to you! Thanks mom! Love you!!!